This invention provides a deodorization device capable of not only keeping away odors but also sterilizing viruses, bacteria and molds with ease in use. The deodorization device of this invention includes: a device body that supports a deodorization and bacteria-killing means in a detachable manner inside the device an absorbing arm with an absorbing path inside and an absorbing opening at its front section and a mandatory air supply means. The absorbing opening of the absorbing arm absorbs external gas and guides it to the deodorization and bacteria-killing means through the absorbing path. The deodorization and bacteria-killing means includes at least ozone generating means, activated carbons, UV lights, photocatalyst and an odor-removing means.本發明的目的是獲得一種不只能脫臭,也能夠殺菌除去病毒、細菌或黴菌等的可輕鬆使用的脫臭裝置。本發明的脫臭裝置,包括:裝置本體,以可裝卸的方式支持脫臭殺菌手段於內部;吸引臂,內部具有吸引路,前端部具有吸引口;以及強制給氣手段,從該吸引臂的吸引口吸引外部氣體,將吸引的外部氣體透過該吸引路導引至該脫臭殺菌手段,其中該脫臭殺菌手段包括至少臭氧產生手段、活性碳、UV燈、光觸媒、以及臭氧除去手段。11‧‧‧滾輪12‧‧‧行走基座13‧‧‧電池14‧‧‧電纜20‧‧‧裝置本體21‧‧‧框體22‧‧‧側面30‧‧‧第1吸引臂31‧‧‧水平關節軸32‧‧‧水平關節軸33‧‧‧第2吸引臂34‧‧‧水平關節軸35‧‧‧第3吸引臂36‧‧‧水平關節軸37‧‧‧第4吸引臂38‧‧‧吸引口(吸引罩)100‧‧‧脫臭裝置