Device for germ-free keeping of surfaces, such as door handles, handrails, grip bars, handles of shopping carts and toilet seating surfaces, has flat support material and self-adhesive portion formed on one side of flat support material
Flächiges System zur Abdeckung und Entkeimung von Kontaktflächen, welches keimtötende Wirkstoffe enthält, die kontrolliert auf solche Oberflächen abgegeben werden, die mit Händen usw. in Berührung kommen.The device has a flat support material and a self-adhesive portion, which is formed on one side of the flat support material. One or multiple germ-free active preparations containing the self-adhesive portion are provided, which are released to the other side of the flat support material in a controlled manner. An active substance reservoir (2) is provided, in which an active substance-containing preparation is formed in solid, liquid or molecularly dispersed form. The active substance-containing preparation is introduced into superabsorbent polymers.