Refers to a Pharmaceutical composition comprising: a) an inhaled liposomal dispersion of particles with a diameter between 30 and 500 nm.Where each Particle liposome comprises (i) a Hydrophobic bioactive Agent such as CoQ10, a Hydrophobic steroid anti-inflammatory Agent, NSAIDs, Antifungal agent, among others, in an amount of 0,1% to 30% w / W of the composition, and (ii) as a phospholipid DSPC or DPPC, DMPC, in an amount of 0.1% to 30% w / W of the composition, where the dispersion is a suspension, nano suspensionEmulsion or microemulsion; and (b) an aqueous dispersion Vehicle such as water or an aqueous Salt Solution.The pharmaceutical composition is useful in the treatment of Lung Cancer, Asthma, chronic bronchitis, emphysemaSE REFIERE A UNA COMPOSICION FARMACEUTICA INHALABLE QUE COMPRENDE: A) UNA DISPERSION DE PARTICULAS LIPOSOMALES CON UN DIAMETRO ENTRE 30 Y 500 NM, DONDE CADA PARTICULA LIPOSOMAL COMPRENDE i) UN AGENTE BIOACTIVO HIDROFOBO TAL COMO CoQ10, UN ESTEROIDE ANTIINFLAMATORIO HIDROFOBO, AGENTE AINE, AGENTE ANTIFUNGICO, ENTRE OTROS, EN UNA CANTIDAD DE 0,1% A 30% P/P DE LA COMPOSICION, Y ii) UN FOSFOLIPIDO TAL COMO DPPC, DSPC O DMPC, EN UNA CANTIDAD DE 0,1% A 30% P/P DE LA COMPOSICION, EN DONDE LA DISPERSION ES UNA SUSPENSION, NANO-SUSPENSION, EMULSION O MICROEMULSION; Y B) UN VEHICULO DE DISPERSION ACUOSO TAL COMO AGUA O UNA SOLUCION SALINA ACUOSA. DICHA COMPOSICION FARMACEUTICA ES UTIL EN EL TRATAMIENTO DE CANCER DE PULMON, ASMA, BRONQUITIS CRONICA, ENFISEMA