Federalnoe gosudarstvennoe byudzhetnoe nauchnoe uchrezhdenie "Tomskij natsionalnyj issledovatelskij meditsinskij tsentr" Rossijskoj akademii nauk ("Tomskij NIMTS")
Bragina Olga Dmitrievna (RU),Брагина Ольга Дмитриевна (RU),Chernov Vladimir Ivanovich (RU),Чернов Владимир Иванович (RU),Zelchan Roman Vladimirovich (RU),Зельчан Роман Владимирович (RU),Medvedeva Anna
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention refers to medicine, oncology, particularly to radionuclide diagnostics, and can be used for diagnosing breast cancer with hyperexpression of Her2/neu. Patients are introduced with a radiopharmaceutical based on technetium-99m labeled recombinant address molecules DARPinG3, prepared immediately before administration, for this purpose in aseptic conditions 500 mcl of eluate 99mTcO4- 4 GBq by means of syringe is added to set for preparation of tricarbonyl technetium and incubated at temperature 100 °C for 30 minutes, after incubation 1 ml of tricarbonyl technetium is added to 1,200 mcg of DARPinG3 solution and incubated at temperature 40 °C for 60 minutes, further purifying the obtained compound from protein impurities and non-technetium-bound DARPinG3 molecules using purification columns NAP5, preparation obtained after cleansing preparation with activity of 400–500 MBq is diluted in 10 ml of normal saline, taken through sterilizing filter and slowly introduced to patient, then 2 hours after administration of the preparation, the patient is subjected to single photon emission computed tomography on a two-detector gamma camera and the obtained results are evaluated, and the malignant tumor is diagnosed when visualizing the RPH fixation in the mammary glands and the regional lymph nodes.EFFECT: higher specificity, information value, accessibility with reduced complications.1 cl, 2 ex, 3 dwgИзобретение относится к медицине, онкологии, в частности к радионуклидной диагностике, и может быть использовано для диагностики рака молочной железы с гиперэкспрессией Неr2/nеu. Пациенткам вводят радиофармпрепарат на основе меченных технецием-99m рекомбинантных адресных молекул DARPinG3, изготавливаемый непосредственно перед введением, для этого в асептических условиях 500 мкл элюата 99mТсO4- 4 ГБк с помощью шприца добавляют в набор для приготовления трикарбонильного технеция и инкубируют при температуре 100°С в течение 30 минут, после инкубации 1