ЗДЕБЛИК Марк (US),ХАТЧИСОН Джэймс (US),АРН Лоурэнс (US)
1. A device for collecting data, comprising: a first electrode that is characterized as non-stick, disposable to create a capacitive or resistive connection with the surface; a second electrode, which is characterized as non-stick, disposable to create a capacitive or resistive connection with a region of space other than the aforementioned surface ; an electronic circuit located between the first and second electrodes; a first electrode protected by a screen located between the first electrode and the electronic circuit; the second electrode protected by a screen located between the second electrode and the electronic circuit; an electronic circuit including a first driver, the input of which receives a signal from the first electrode, while the output of the first driver is connected to the screen of the first electrode; an electronic circuit including a second driver, the input of which receives a signal from the second electrode, while the output of the second driver is connected to the screen of the second electrode; an electronic circuit also containing a differential amplifier having the first and watts swarm of inputs, each of which is respectively connected to the first or second electrode; aforementioned differential amplifier having an output signal; an electronic circuit comprising means for transmitting data, mapping the differential amplifier output signal to the external device with respect to oborudovaniyu.2. The device according to claim 1, characterized in that the first electrode and the second electrode are practically flat and parallel to each other, and the printed circuit board is between the first and second electrodes and parallel to1. Устройство для сбора данных, включающее:первый электрод, который характеризуется как неприлипающий, располагаемый для создания емкостной или резистивной связи с поверхностью;второй электрод, который характеризуется как неприлипающий, располагаемый для создания емкостной или резистивной связи с областью простра