The invention refers to a thermoformed plastic double tray system, where the bottom tray that is supporting the system has the reversed negative shape of the top tray. This double tray system can be used through a automatic sowing or transplanting line, which was using up to now expanded polystyrene trays, without any modifications. With this double tray system we get all the advantages of the thermoformed plastic trays and also the stiffness and stability of expanded polystyrene trays. These are smooth and unobstructed plant extraction from the tray with no injuries as roots don't anchor on cell walls, very small storage and transport volume as trays fit one inside the other respectively, and the whole system is 100% recyclable. Under plastic double tray system's philosophy; any sized tray can be built with whichever number of possible cell's, to be used for sowing seeds, rooting plugs or transplanting seedlings.