The present invention provides a new use or method of use of a thylakoidextract, for oral route of administration, and a composition comprising thethylakoid extract in adjunction with an acceptable carrier for oraladministration. Besides the pharmaceutical use, the thylakoid extract entersthe composition of food or food supplements, or medication for its innocuityand its capacity to provide a diet enriched in anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds. Therefore, in accordance with the present invention isprovided the use of athylakoid extract in the making of an oral compositionfor treating preventing a disease or disorder involving the formation ofreactive oxygen species or inflammation . Also is provided a method fortreating or preventing a disease or disorder involving the formation ofreactive oxygen species inflammation in an individual, which comprises thestep of orality administering an effective dose of a thylakoid extact. Furtheris provided an oral composition comprising a thylakoid extract and a vehiclefor oral ingestion or oral administration. An oral composition comprisingpurified thylakoids and a carrier for oral ingestion or oral administration,with the proviso that the carrier does not essentially consists of water,physiological saline or propylene glycol is also provided as food or a foodsupplement, or as a peliet, or encapsulated granules or powder. The carriermay be present in an amount of 0.01% to 95% (w/w) of the total composition.The purified thylakoids are present in an amount which achieves a dosage of0.1 to 10 mg per Kg of a subject's body weight.