The invention provides a shear wave viscoelasticity imaging method and system. The method includes the steps that a CT value of tissue is obtained according to a tissue mark, body model CT value and body model density value relation information corresponding to the tissue mark is obtained a tissue density value corresponding to the CT value of the tissue is determined shear waves are stimulated inside the tissue, ultrasonic waves are generated in the tissue through an ultrasonic transducer, and an ultrasonic wave return signal is received according to the ultrasonic wave return signal, a propagation characteristic parameter of the shear waves in the tissue is obtained, and according to the propagation characteristic parameter and the tissue density value, the viscoelasticity parameter of the tissue is obtained according to the viscoelasticity parameter, a shear wave viscoelasticity image of the tissue is formed. In this way, the effect of viscoelasticity parameter detection is improved, and more reliable references are provided for pathology judgment on the tissue by a doctor according to the shear wave viscoelasticity image of the tissue.