A method and device for decontaminating air comprises passing contaminated air through a non thermal plasma filter 22, breaking down ozone output from the non thermal plasma filter 22 and introducing an aromatic hydrocarbon to react with residual ozone. The flow of air may be generated by a fan 30 adjacent an inlet 14. Non thermal plasma filter 22 may be located in a flow passage 12 and may comprise of alumina pelletised dielectric 38 sandwiched between a cathode 34 and anode 36 both being powered by a power supply unit (PSU) 40, which is housed in a compartment 18 adjacent the flow passage 12. The ozone may be broken down using an ultraviolet radiation emitting device 24 comprising a UV light 42 powered by a further PSU 44 and an ozone catalysing device comprising a mesh 46 coated with a mixture of titanium, lead and manganese oxides disposed across the passage 12 and surrounds the UV light 42. The aromatic hydrocarbon may be a Terpene olefin such as Myrcene and is introduced into the passage 12 via an emitter 28 including a rechargeable reservoir 48, an evaporator 50 and a pump. The device may be mains or battery powered, portable, decontaminates air in an open outside environment and may be driven in reverse so that it is self cleaning.En luftdekontamineringsinnretningomfattende en luftstrømsgenerator (20), et ikke-termisk plasmafilter (22), en ultrafiolett bestrålingsemitterende innretning (24), en ozonkatalyseringsinnretning (26) og en hydrokarbonemitter (28). Luftstrømsgeneratoren (20) genererer og fører en luftstrøm gjennom eller over det ikke- termiske plasmafilter (22), den UV- bestrålingsemitterende innretning (24), ozonkatalyseringsinnretningen (26) og hydrokarbonemitteren (28). Plasmafilteret (22) produserer frie radikaler som nøytraliserer kontaminanter i luftstrømmen. Den UV- bestrålingsemitterende innretning (24) bryter ned ozonet i luftstrømmen katalysert av ozonkatalyseringsinnretningen (26). Hydrokarbonemitteren (28) tømmer et aromatisk hydrokarbon