An air decontamination device comprises an air stream generator (20), anon~thermal plasma filter (22), an ultraviolet radiation emitting device (24),an ozone catalysing device (26), and a hydrocarbon emitter (28). The airstream generator (20) generates and directs an air stream through or acrossthe non-thermal plasma filter (22), the UV radiation emitting device (24), theozone catalysing device (26), and the hydrocarbon emitter (28). The plasmafilter (22) produces free radicals by which contaminants in the air stream areneutralised. The UV radiation emitting device (24) breaks down ozone in theair stream, catalysed by the ozone catalysing device (26). The hydrocarbonemitter (28) discharges an aromatic hydrocarbon into the air stream topreferentially react with residual ozone so that the air stream becomessuitable for human exposure. A method is also provided.