Chernikova Natalya Viktorovna (RU),Черникова Наталья Викторовна (RU),Verenikina Ekaterina Vladimirovna (RU),Вереникина Екатерина Владимировна (RU),Poryvaev Yurij Alekseevich (RU),Порываев Юрий Алексее
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to medicine, namely to gynecology. After hysterectomy, the round ligaments of uterus are sutured with vicryl prior to removal of the uterus with appendages and cut off as close as possible to the uterine angle; the ligaments are separated from the underlying peritoneum. Thus, length of ligaments reaches 4–5 cm on both sides. Ligatures with stump of round ligaments are not cut, after separation of upper third of vagina and before removal of uterus on walls of vagina distally by 1.5 cm and medially, practically at cut-off point, 2 soft clamps are applied towards each other, on front and rear walls sheaths, between the clamps, longitudinally, making 3 longitudinal incisions at distance of 0.5–0.8 cm from each other. Overstretched round ligaments of uterus on both sides are passed through the holes of the vaginal walls so that 2 stumps of round ligaments of uterus are brought into the central opening. Once the level is determined, the left ligatures of the round ligaments of uterus are sutured together side-to-side, thereby forming a strong corset. On vaginal walls below the round ligaments of uterus, as close as possible to the soft clamps, individual U-shaped sutures are applied, wherein under each longitudinal incision on the vaginal wall a separate U-shaped suture is also applied, upper part of stump of sheath is covered with continuous twisted vicryl suture, after removing soft clamps.EFFECT: method enables forming a dense corset involving round uterine ligaments, vaginal walls that enables effective prevention of uterine and vaginal prolapse.1 cl, 2 exИзобретение относится к медицине, а именно к гинекологии. После экстирпации матки круглые маточные связки перед удалением матки с придатками прошивают викрилом и отсекают максимально ближе к маточному углу, связки отсепаровывают от подлежащей брюшины. Таким образом, длина связок достигает 4-5 см с обеих сторон. Лигатуры с культей круглых связок не срезают, после выделения