are benthic, pressure, drilling press liquid gcwwca with woanp, consisting of pipes (21) with windings (12), increased blade technology (15), to produce a depth (below groundwater level) explosive bolts temporary, firecrackers (13) of the recess space nnej column (17) and (18), air pressureumocnionej boards (16) or cement (14) cargo containers, the containers (24) fertilizers and insecticides (23, 7), \u0142adowanymi through screw connectors (8) and the speed that connectors (6, 10, 11), may also be locked bolts (22, 31), which placed below the upr awowej soil layers naniesionej dotted lines (29) and a grid of segments agrotechnicznego,the pressure spulchniania soil (30) while wydmuchiwaniem with her weeds together with the roots, with a tube (4) with a rotary (32) tightly fitted with rigid arms (26), (25) odrzutowo rozpryskuj\u0105cymi driving with adjustable angle alignment speed rpm otowo rigid arms (26) and hinged (29),spring (30) which is connected to the stationary pulsator (20), powered wiatrowym czterop\u0142ytowym or propeller with stabilizer, putting a and \u015blimakowym propelling piston pulsatora (20), which, in variant pulsatora generates pressure in the airspace (18 ), enhanced cement or plaster recess formed with explosivesat the same time, generating huge pressure in airspace recess (18) wyciskaj\u0105cej space liquid (17) with a pressure of huge quantities of liquids, and some water, (25), mighty clouds fog water on an area bigger than the spaced arms rotation sprayer has (32) respectively with solutions chwastob\u00f3jczymi (24), fertilizers (23),irrigation (l7) to set the required moisture content of dried melioracj\u0105 large crop acreages of the terminated wegetacj\u0105 and variant of explosives using a large number of efficient wyciskaczy what will zawodnienie, zabagnienie sites in directions of armijnego enemy attack the armijnego enemy troops, with woanp within a radius of several hundred meters.Ujawniono głębinowy, ciśnieniowy, wydobywczy