1. A method of therapeutic treatment to prevent, improve or reverse the development of disorders associated with eye length, a method of therapeutic treatment includes: identifying a patient with a disorder associated with eye length; and inducing artificial blurring of the patient’s vision to reduce the average spatial frequency of images entering the retina that have passed the threshold spatial frequency to restrain further lengthening of the patient’s eye. 2. The method according to claim 1, further comprising: determining the extent to which the axial length of the patient’s eye exceeds the axial length that provides a normal focal length for the relaxed eye; and inducing artificial blurring of the patient’s vision, commensurate with a certain extent to which the axial length of the patient’s eye exceeds the axial length, which provides a normal focal length for the relaxed eye to reduce the average spatial frequency of images entering the retina that have passed the spatial threshold frequency to inhibit further lengthening patient's eyes. 3. The method according to claim 1, further comprising: determining the type of disorder associated with the length of the eye in a patient; and inducing artificial blurring of the patient’s vision, commensurate with a certain type of disorder associated with the length of the eye, to reduce the average spatial frequency of images entering the retina that have passed the threshold spatial frequency to inhibit further lengthening of the patient’s eye. 4. The method of claim 3, wherein determining the type of disorder1. Способ терапевтического лечения для предупреждения, улучшения или обратного развития расстройств, связанных с длиной глаза, способ терапевтического лечения включает в себя:идентифицирование у пациента расстройства, связанного с длиной глаза; ииндуцирование искусственного размывания зрения пациента для уменьшения средней пространственной частоты изображений, поступающих на сетчатку глаза, прошедших пороговую про