Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение "Московский научно-исследовательский институт глазных болезней имени Гельмгольца" Министерства здравоохранения Российской Федерации (RU)
Катаев Михаил Германович (RU),Захарова Мария Андреевна (RU)
A method of suturing through vertical wound century with damage to the edges, characterized in that on the eyeball under the eyelids mounted circular convex-concave plate diameter of 16 mm and a thickness at the center of 2 mm with a surface curvature equal to the curvature of the eyeball, and disposed on the convex side of the plate and passing through the center of the protrusion width and height in the center of 2 mm, and, the projection height decreases to zero as it approaches the edges of the plate, in the central part of the projection has two symmetrical slit width of 2 mm and d Ubin 1.5 mm, angled to each other so that the one side of the projection distance of the notches is 1 mm, on the other hand - 2 mm plate mounted in such a way that the protrusion located along the palpebral fissure and large side between the slits protrusion facing the salvage century then sutured using a nonabsorbable monofilament thread, with the skin puncture produces intact century vykoli - intermarginalnom space in the same century, the yarn is conducted along one axis of the slits, tightening m - vkoly through intermarginalnoe space damaged century outward from the wound edges, vykoli through the wound surface tarsus further thread is conducted in the form of 8-stitch plane tarsus through both sides of the wound, do vykoli of intermarginalnogo space damaged century symmetrically puncture on the opposite side of the wound, further thread is guided through a second slot axis to produce vkoly intermarginalnoe space intact century, the needle withdrawn to the skin so that the ends of the threads intersect, the plate is removed, the seam is tightened andСпособ ушивания сквозной вертикальной раны века с повреждением края, отличающийся тем, что на глазное яблоко под веки устанавливают круглую выпукло-вогнутую пластину диаметром 16 мм и толщиной в центре 2 мм с кривизной поверхности, равной кривизне глазного яблока, и с расположенным на выпуклой стороне пластины и проходящим через ее ц