A bone plate (1) having an upper side (2), a bone-sided lower side (3), a first end (11), a second end (12) and several plate holes (4) arranged between the two ends (11, 12) and connecting the upper side (2) to the lower side (3), the plate holes being provided for receiving bone screws. Two of the plate holes (4) are formed by a combination of two partially overlapping boreholes (5, 6) of different type. The first (5) of the two boreholes is a circular cylindrical bore, having an internal thread (7) and a cylinder axis (9). The second borehole (6) has a cone axis (10) and tapers from the upper side (2) to the lower side (3) in the form of a frustum of a cone. The second borehole (6) is provided with an internal thread (8). The cylinder axis (9) is situated at a distance A from the cone axis (10), where A is different than zero.