Disclosed is a residual toxicant detection system and a method thereof, the method comprising: letting an aqueous solution containing a residual toxicant followed into a detection member including a cavity providing a light containing a specific wavelength range on a side of the cavity, such that the residual toxicant is reacted with the light containing the specific wavelength range receiving the light containing the specific wavelength range that is passing the cavity on the other side of the cavity, thereby generating a sensing signal and calculating an absorbance change amount of the aqueous solution according to the sensing signal, wherein when the absorbance change amount of the aqueous solution is less than a threshold value, a detected count is accumulated, and when the detected count is greater than a set value, a detection result is generated. The present disclosure can determine whether or not the residual toxicant on the object is cleaned easily and accurately by the detection mechanism described this disclosure.本揭露為一種殘留毒物檢測系統及方法,該方法包括:令含有殘留毒物之水溶液流入包括腔體之檢測部件;於該腔體一側提供包含一特定波長範圍之光線,以令該殘留毒物與該特定波長範圍之光線反應;於該腔體另一側接收通過該腔體之該特定波長範圍之光線,藉以產生一感測訊號;以及透過該感測訊號計算出該水溶液之吸收度變化量,以於該水溶液之吸收度變化量小於門檻值時累計檢測計數,俾於該累計檢測計數大於或等於設定值時產生檢測結果。本揭露所述之檢測機制,將能簡易且準確地得到待測物上殘留毒物是否清洗乾淨。1‧‧‧殘留毒物檢測系統11‧‧‧光源模組111‧‧‧光源發射器112‧‧‧光感測器12‧‧‧檢測部件121‧‧‧流入口122‧‧‧流出口123‧‧‧腔體13‧‧‧處理模組