The drainage pump unit according to the invention foraspirating body fluids by means of a suction pumpcomprises a drainage pump device with a pump housing(4) for receiving the suction pump, and a fluidcollection container (5) that can be secured releasablyon the pump housing (4). The drainage pump unit alsocomprises a pump-side attachment part (2) which has aconnection element for connection to a patient-sidedrainage tube (10). The attachment part (2) is heldreleasably on the pump housing (4), and it has aconnector piece (20) onto which an attachment opening(54) of the fluid collection container (5) can befitted. Alternatively, the attachment part (2) can havean attachment opening into which a connector piece ofthe fluid collection container (5) can be inserted. Theconnection element and the connector piece (20) orattachment opening are connected to each other via adrainage channel (24) extending through the attachmentpart (2). This drainage pump unit allows the fluidcollection container to be replaced without removingthe drainage tube and, therefore, without disturbingthe patient.