It refers to a persistent release pharmacological compound, including 2-phenylbutadiene (I) compound, wherein R1 is alcox c1-8, a group of morphine, 4-methylpiperazin-1-ilo or piperidine; R2 is nitric acid or cyanogen; X is carboxilo or alcoxicarbonilo c2-7; and a hydrogen or C1-6 tar. The preferred compound is acid 2 - (3-cyano-4-isobutyl-hydroxyphenyl) - 4-methyl-5-thioglycol. This drug synthesis is useful in the treatment or prevention of hypertension, normal hypertension and renal dysfunctionSE REFIERE A UNA COMPOSICION FARMACEUTICA DE LIBERACION SOSTENIDA QUE COMPRENDE EL COMPUESTO 2-FENILTIAZOL DE FORMULA (I) DONDE: R1 ES ALCOXI C1-8, UN GRUPO MORFOLINO, 4-METILPIPERAZIN-1-ILO O PIPERIDINO; R2 ES NITRO O CIANO; X ES CARBOXILO O ALCOXICARBONILO C2-7; Y ES HIDROGENO O ALQUILO C1-6. UN COMPUESTO PREFERIDO ES ACIDO 2-(3-CIANO-4-ISOBUTILOXIFENIL)-4-METIL-5-TIAZOL CARBOXILICO. DICHA COMPOSICION FARMACEUTICA ES UTIL PARA EL TRATAMIENTO O PREVENCION DE LA HIPERTENSION, PRESION SANGUINEA ALTA NORMAL Y DISFUNCION RENAL