Государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Красноярский государственный медицинский университет имени профессора В.Ф. Войно-Ясенецкого"
Прокопенко Семен Владимирович,Можейко Елена Юрьевна
The process of diagnosis and recovery of fine motor hand in stroke patients, comprising a modular approach to rehabilitation, providing module therapy paresis of the hand and fingers at different levels of violations, while for each of the degree of paresis has its own set of procedures, wherein the first determining causes late recovery of upper limb by sequential evaluation of the presence of the patient one or more features that prevent full recovery, then carry out the analytical approach to the recovery of fine motor hand, which is the correction of signs of poor recovery at the same time to determine the assessment carried out for signs of an analytical examination, including: the study of movement disorders in the hand by visual inspection, palpation, evaluation of active and passive movements, keeping the global movement on a scale Fugle-Meyer Assessment for the upper extremity Study level spasticity, muscle definition of the basic blocks, preventing the use of arms identifying artro-, tendogennyh and myogenic pain syndromes in the shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand identification of apraxia detection of cognitive disorders using screening scales (MMSE and FAB) at the same analytical approach to the recovery of fine motor brushes is the correction of motor disorders in the brush by the global training of active and passive movements, followed by evaluation of effectiveness on a scale Fugle-Meyer Assessment for the upper extremity at the same analytical approach to the recovery of fine motor brushes is the correction of the local andСпособ диагностики и восстановления тонкой моторики кисти у больных, перенесших инсульт, включающий модульный подход к реабилитации, предусматривающий модуль терапии пареза кисти и пальцев при различных уровнях нарушений, при этом для каждой из степени пареза есть свой набор процедур, отличающийся тем, что сначала определяют причины позднего восстановления верхней конечности путем последовательной оценки наличия у пациента одного или