Orthopedic support device (1) for a knee joint, comprising a proximal connector (2) and a distal connector (3), articulated with each other and intended respectively to connect directly to a first and second anchoring devices (5, 6), arranged to be associated in solidarity 5 respectively with a proximal bone (100) and a distal bone (101) of a lower extremity connected to each other by means of a knee joint; comprising a first rod (4a) and a second rod (4b); said first and second rods (4a, 4b) being articulated along normal articulation axes to a mid-travel plane of the orthopedic device (1), with respect to the proximal connector (2) and with respect to the distal connector (3) to form with they an articulated quadrilateral; said articulated quadrilateral can move in a plane along a plane parallel to the travel plane between a main configuration corresponding to an extended position of the knee joint and a plurality of secondary configurations corresponding to different degrees of knee joint flexion, being compatible the relative movement imposed on the proximal and distal connectors (2, 3) by the articulated quadrilateral with the physiological movement of the knee joint, characterized in that said proximal connector (2) presents, in correspondence with one of its distal ends, a reference hole (20), normal to the travel plane, intended to temporarily house a guidewire (200) integral with the proximal bone (100) to allow precise placement of the connector with respect to the bone.Dispositivo ortopédico de soporte (1) para una articulación de rodilla, que comprende un conector proximal (2) y un conector distal (3), articulados entre sí y destinados respectivamente a conectarse directamente a un primer y a un segundo dispositivos de anclaje (5, 6), dispuestos para asociarse de manera solidaria 5 respectivamente con un hueso proximal (100) y un hueso distal (101) de una extremidad inferior conectados entre sí mediante una articulación de rodilla; que comprende una prim