PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To evaluate an immunosuppressive action or a tolerant action against rejection due to minor histocompatibility antigen mismatch. The present invention provides a recipient mouse in which the H-2 antigen type is b/k, and a minor histocompatibility in which the H-2 antigen type is b/b, k/k or b/k. Transplanting cells or tissues from a donor mouse whose antigen type does not match that of the recipient mouse; test treatment on the recipient mouse before, at the same time as, or after transplantation of the cells or tissues from the donor mouse A step of evaluating the rejection of the recipient mouse after the transplantation and the test treatment; and a control recipe in which the rejection of the recipient mouse is transplanted with cells or tissue derived from a donor mouse but not subjected to the test treatment. The present invention relates to an evaluation method comprising a step of determining an immunosuppressive action or an immunological tolerance action of a test treatment by comparing with an ent mouse rejection reaction. The present invention also relates to cell preparations for inducing immune tolerance. [Selection diagram] Figure 1【課題】マイナー組織適合性抗原不一致による拒絶反応に対する免疫抑制作用又は免疫寛容作用の評価方法。【解決手段】本発明は、H-2抗原の型がb/kであるレシピエントマウスに、H-2抗原の型がb/b、k/k又はb/kであってマイナー組織適合性抗原の型が前記レシピエントマウスと一致しないドナーマウス由来の細胞又は組織を移植する工程;前記ドナーマウス由来の細胞又は組織の移植の前、移植と同時又は移植の後に、レシピエントマウスに被験処置を行う工程;前記移植及び被験処置の後にレシピエントマウスの拒絶反応を評価する工程;並びに前記レシピエントマウスの拒絶反応をドナーマウス由来の細胞又は組織を移植したが被験処置を行っていない対照レシピエントマウスの拒絶反応と比較し、被験処置の免疫抑制作用又は免疫寛容作用を判定する工程を含む評価方法に関する。本発明はまた、免疫寛容を誘導するための細胞製剤に関する。【選択図】図1