Apoptotically active substances (I) include at least one peptide that comprises any of 19 sequences reproduced. Apoptotically active substances (I) include at least one peptide that comprises any of sequences (1)-(19): Arg-Ala-Tyr-Val-Val-Met (1) Arg-Trp-Tyr-Val-Val-Met (2) Arg-Tyr-Tyr-Val-Val-Met (3) Arg-Glu-Tyr-Val-Val-Met (4) Lys-Arg-Ala-Tyr-Val-Val-Met-Trp-Lys-Lys (5) Lys-Arg-Glu-Tyr-Val-Val-Met-Trp-Lys-Lys (6) Arg-Gly-Tyr-Val-Val-Met (7) Arg-Met-Tyr-Val-Val-Met (8) Arg-Thr-Tyr-Val-Val-Met (9) Arg-Asn-Tyr-Val-Val-Met (10) Arg-Asp-Tyr-Val-Val-Met (11) Met-Val-Val-Tyr-Phe-Arg (12) Arg-Ala-Tyr-Val-Val-Ala (13) Arg-Leu-Tyr-Val-Val-Met (14) Arg-Pro-Tyr-Val-Val-Met (15) Arg-Ser-Tyr-Val-Val-Met (16) Arg-Cys-Tyr-Val-Val-Met (17) Met-Val-Val-Tyr-Phe-Arg (18) Met-Val-Val-Tyr-Ala-Arg (19); where (18) and (19) are all-D peptides. ACTIVITY : Antiarteriosclerotic; Nootropic; Neuroprotective; Vulnerary; Cytostatic. MECHANISM OF ACTION : TSP-1 Dependent Induction of Apoptosis Inhibitor; Apoptosis Inducer. Human umbilical vein endothelial cells, grown to confluence, were incubated with 1 Microg/ml TSP-1 (apoptosis inducer) and 1 mM of various peptides and after 24 hours, they were fixed, stained with DAPI and examined morphologically under a fluorescence microscope or by flow cytometry. For an untreated control, the apoptosis index was 3.28%, compared with 0.38% in presence of peptide (1) and 14.6% in presence of (8), i.e. inhibition index of 75.3% for (1) and -345.1% for (8).