An absorptive article having an absorptive article body (17), a band-like member(23), and an engagement sheet (38). The absorptive article body (17) has a liquidretainable absorption body (12), a liquid permeable front surface sheet (13)covering the front surface of the absorption body (12), a liquid impermeablerear side sheet (15) for supporting the absorption body (12) from its rear surface,and a front end and a rear end, and extends in the longitudinal direction of theabsorptive article body. The band-like member (23) has a base end section (23b)and a front end section (23a) and is stretchable in the longitudinal direction.The base end section (23b) extends in the longitudinal direction of the absorptivearticle body (17) and is fixed to either the absorption body (12) or the rear surfacesheet (15), and the front end section (23a) is not fixed to either of them. The engagementsheet (38) is provided on the rear surface of the band-like member (23) and engagedwith wearers clothes. Also, the engagement sheet (38) extends in the lateraldirection of the band-like member (23), and opposite ends (41a, 41b) of the engagementsheet (38) are fixed to the band-like member (23).