The present invention relates to absorbent articles suitable for absorbing and retaining aqueous body fluids. Absorbent articles of the present invention comprise a discontinuous, substantially fluid impervious backsheet and an absorbent core disposed between the topsheet and the backsheet. The absorbent core comprises a plurality of core components which are removable, with access for removal provided by at least one discontinuity forming an opening in the backsheet. Once removed, other absorbent core components or layers of components may remain in the absorbent article. Also, additional absorbent core components or layers may be added through the opening in the backsheet. In a preferred embodiment the absorbent core comprises a plurality of components, including at least a front panel, a rear panel, and a center section. Each of the absorbent components may include layers of absorbent members. Upon saturation with bodily discharges certain components or members of the absorbent core may be removed from the absorbent article through the backsheet. New, unsaturated absorbent components or members may then be positioned in place of the removed saturated components or members, or, more preferably, upon removal of the saturated component or member, an additional unused component or member may remain in position for use.