A medication reminding system includes a cloud-storage device, an outputting device and a caring module. The cloud-storage device is for importing information. The cloud-storage device includes an information conversion module for conversing the information to a 2d barcode. The outputting device connected to the cloud-storage device is for downloading and printing the 2d barcode. The caring module includes a reading module, a barcode conversing module and a notifying module. The reading module is used for recognizing the 2d barcode. The barcode conversing module converses the 2d barcode to a drug information. Based on the drug information, the notifying module performs a notice. When the notice is made, the caring module recognizes the 2d barcode and converses the 2d barcode to a confirming information to compare with the drug information.一種用藥提醒系統,包含:雲端儲存裝置,用以輸入資訊,其中雲端儲存裝置包含資訊轉換模組,用以將資訊轉換為二維條碼;輸出裝置,連線於雲端儲存裝置,用以接收二維條碼,並將二維條碼以列印方式輸出;及照護模組,包含:讀取模組,用以讀取以列印方式輸出之二維條碼;條碼轉換模組,用以將以列印方式輸出之二維條碼轉換為藥品資訊;及通知模組,依據藥品資訊而執行服藥通知,其中,服藥通知執行時,讀取模組讀取以列印方式輸出之二維條碼,而條碼轉換模組將以列印方式輸出之二維條碼轉換為確認資訊,照護模組比對藥品資訊與確認資訊。10‧‧‧雲端儲存裝置20‧‧‧輸出裝置30‧‧‧行動裝置