A method of amplifying the energy of a superfluid by irradiating a paramagnetic body, diamagnetic body, ferromagnetic and ferromagnetic metal microparticles with microwaves, thereby creating a superfluid phenomenon to generate superfluid energy, wherein a mixed phase electromagnetic fluid containing a semiconductor pigment is created and irradiated with microwaves, and when an external magnetic field is applied thereto, quantum chaos occurs, generating quantum turbulence phenomenon, thereby amplifying the energy of superfluid. Microparticles of an element, an oxide or a compound that creates a superfluid phenomenon in microwave band, are sorted from a diamagnetic or a paramagnetic material according to microwave frequency, and introduced into a mixed liquor containing a surfactant and a liquid characterized by containing an organic polyphenol. By activating the reaction of surface electrons, the mixed liquor is converted into a structure having a certain degree of magnetization. Superfluid energy is generated