Курдюмов Владимир Иванович (RU),Зыкин Евгений Сергеевич (RU),Хайбуллина Лилия Нурисламовна (RU)
The utility model refers to agricultural machinery, in particular to devices for planting cultivated crops. The section of the comb seeder includes a suspension, a mound, a copying wheel, holders and a vomer. Ridge builders include a rack, lancet paw, blade and bracket. The blade is spherical and installed on the inside of the wing of the lancet paw at an acute angle to the direction of movement with the possibility of adjusting this angle and moving the blade along the height relative to the cutting edges of the wings of the pointed paw and fixing in the required position. The concave surface of the dump is directed towards the motion of the ridge-former, and the dumps of each pair of crests are symmetrically arranged with respect to the seeded seed line. The comb-forming machine is equipped with a ridge-comber, which includes a composite frame, spherical disks, Rods with springs. Spherical discs are installed with a convex side to the longitudinal axis of symmetry of the roller with the possibility of changing the angle of attack of the spherical discs symmetrically with respect to the longitudinal axis of symmetry of the roller at the same angle, the solution of which is directed towards the movement of the roller and fixing in the given position. Between the spherical disks on the axis at equal intervals, flat disks are installed, the outer contour of which is polyhedral and double-sided. On the convex side of each spherical disk, C-shaped rippers are rigidly mounted, in the baked section they have the shape of an elongated rectangle, and the smaller side is directed towards the longitudinal axis of symmetry of the roller. Such a constructive design of the section of the comb seeder will improve the quality of sowing of row crops. Spherical discs are installed with a convex side to the longitudinal axis of symmetry of the roller with the possibility of changing the angle of attack of the spherical discs symmetrically with respect to the longitudinal axis of symm