Methods to determine if you need to use a Debugger to determine Drug nitrogen or the increase of dosage of the drug Debugger of Nitrogen in a subject currently Receiving this Drug; Drug Use and Nitrogen Purifier for treating a disorder of RET Encion Nitrogen, such as urea Cycle disorder and hepatic encephalopathy.
The present disclosure provides methods for evaluating daily ammonia exposure based on a single fasting ammonia blood level measurement, as well as methods that utilize this technique to adjust the dosage of a nitrogen scavenging drug, determine whether to administer a nitrogen scavenging drug, and treat nitrogen retention disorders.<;p>;LA PRESENTE INVENCIÓ;N SE REFIERE AL USO DE GLICERIL TRI-[4-FENILBUTIRATO] PARA PREPARAR UN MEDICAMENTO Ú;TIL EN EL TRATAMIENTO DE UN TRASTORNO DEL CICLO DE UREA, EN UN SUJETO EN QUE SE HA USADO PREVIAMENTE UNA DOSIFICACIÓ;N INICIAL DE GLICERIL TRI-[4-FENILBUTIRATO] Y QUE TIENE UN NIVEL DE AMONÍ;ACO EN SANGRE EN AYUNAS DETERMINADO.<;/p>;