the improvement relates to a modular device for operation with intramedularnim nail femur or tibia bones, especially in the process of its extension, and the device itself is made in the basis of the podalj\u0161evalnega element (1) which is in parallel with the outer side of a limb bone (2), which is intended for an extension.and at each end of the element (1) situated on one... a hutch (3) in which they are supported transversely to the longitudinal axis of the clamps (3) after the two stick bolt (4) with protimatico and izintramedularnega nail (6), which is located in the channel (5) broken bones (2).the improvement of the device is designed so that the bone (2) and in the right place, which is intended for connection to a clamp (3) mounted a connecting element (7), which also includes two threaded izvrtini (8), which are provided for receiving screws (4), and through holes (9). which lie in the deviation of nav ojnih holes (8) and which are intended for reception of bone screws (10).and between the connecting element (7) and partly in the bone (2), kijebli\u017ee decision, installed prilagodni element (11), which provides that a connecting element (7) is located, regardless of the abnormal peak shape bone (2), in parallel with or perpendicular to the bolt podalj\u0161evalnim element (4).Izboljšava se nanaša na modularno stransko napravo z intramedularnim žebljem za vodenje kosti, zlasti stegnenice ali golenice pri postopku njenega podaljševanja, pri čemer je sama naprava v osnovi izvedena iz zunanjega podaljševalnega elementa (1), ki poteka po zunanji strani uda vzporedno s kostjo (2), ki je predvidena za podaljšanje, pri čemer se na vsakem koncu elementa (1) nahaja po ena spona (3), v kateri sta vpeta prečno na vzdolžno os spone (3) po dva paličasta vijaka (4) s protimatico, ter izintramedularnega žeblja (6), ki se nahaja v kanalu (5) prekinjene kosti (2). Izboljšava naprave je zasnovana tako, da je na kosti (2) in sicer na mestu, ki je predvideno za spoj z bli