The present invention relates to an eye drop assist device and, more specifically, to an eye drop assist device which is easy to carry and store while being easy to put eye drops by preventing the eye blinking of a user when putting eye drops into eyes of the user. The present invention comprises: an eye drop unit in which an eye drop container is seated and eye drops are applied; a mounting unit which immobilizes the position of the eye drop container and immobilizes an eye by mounting the eye on the lower end of the eye drop unit; a fixing unit to fixate the mounting unit on the eye drop unit; and a cover unit which covers the mounting unit.본 발명은 점안 보조장치에 관한 것으로, 상세하게는 안약을 사용자의 눈에 투입할 때 사용자의 눈 깜박거림을 방지하여 안약의 투입이 용이한 동시에 휴대 및 보관이 간편한 점안 보조장치에 관한 것이다.