РИЧАРДСОН Кэти Джерелин (US),МАКДОНАЛЬД Джон Гэвин (US),АБРАХАМ Хосе К. (US)
1. A system for the detection and monitoring of bodily excretions, comprising: an absorbent article, at least one located in an absorbent article gas emitting substance capable of emitting at least one gas by contacting the absorbent articles with liquid impurities, and at least one associated with the absorbent article device comprising at least one sensitive to the gas composition and is capable of changing its form when contacted with at least one gazom.2. The system of claim. 1, comprising: a first emitting gas substance capable of emitting a first gas at the first contact of the absorbent articles with liquid impurities, the second emitting gas substance capable of emitting a second gas, when the absorbent article is close to a state of maximum saturation, and at least one associated absorbent article with a device comprising at least two gas-sensitive compositions and is capable of changing its form first, when it is contacted with the first gas and the second manner, when it is in contact with the second gazom.3. The system of claim. 1, wherein at least one gas-emitting substance contains aldehydes, benzyl, phenol, iso rose flavor, sodium bicarbonate, calcium bicarbonate or bicarbonate kaliya.4. The system of claim. 1, wherein at least one gas emitted from the at least one gas-emitting substance is ugleroda.5 dioxide. The system of claim. 4, wherein at least one gas-emitting substance comprises sodium bicarbonate and citric kislotu.6. The system of claim. 1, wherein at least one gas-emitting substance is in powder form1. Система для детектирования и мониторинга выделений организма, содержащая:впитывающее изделиепо меньшей мере одно находящееся во впитывающем изделии испускающее газ вещество, способное испускать по меньшей мере один газ при контактировании впитывающего изделия с жидкими загрязнениями, ипо меньшей мере одно ассоциированное с впитывающим изделием устройство, содержащее по меньшей мере одну чувствительную к газу композицию и способное изменять св