Individual protector for buds, bulbs, plants and trees against harmful animals and inclement weather (Machine-translation by Google Translate, not legally binding)
Protector of buds, bulbs, plants and trees against harmful animals and inclement weather characterized by being made of pure fibers of coniferous woods made in a single piece, odorous, repellent, insulating and biodegradable. It is a reusable protector built in a single piece, adaptable for its versatility of shapes, which is obtained from the die-cutting of a plate, previously designed by computer, in which some folding lines (5), some holes (3) are practiced of ventilation and a flap (2) for its gumming or stapling. (Machine-translation by Google Translate, not legally binding)1. Protector de brotes, bulbos, plantas y árboles contra animales dañinos e inclemencias del tiempo caracterizado por estar constituido de fibras puras de maderas coníferas fabricadas en una única pieza, olorosas, repelentes, aislantes y biodegradables. Es un protector reutilizable construido en una única pieza, adaptable por su versatilidad de formas, que se obtiene a partir del troquelado de una plancha, maquetada previamente por ordenador, en que se practican unas líneas de doblado (5), unos agujeros (3) de ventilación y una solapa (2) para su engomado o grapado.