A visual prosthesis comprises a camera for perceiving a visual image and generating a visual signal output, retinal tissue stimulation circuitry adapted to be operatively attached to the users retina, and wireless communication circuitry for transmitting the visual signal output to the retinal tissue stimulation circuitry within the eye. To generate the visual signal output the camera converts a visual image to electrical impulses which are sampled to selecting an image at a given point in time. The sampled image signal is then encoded to allow a pixelized display of it. This signal then is used to modulate a radio frequency carrier signal. A tuned coil pair having a primary and a secondary coil are used to transmit and receive the RF modulated visual signal which is then demodulated within the eye. The retinal stimulation circuitry includes a decoder for decoding the visual signal output into a plurality of individual stimulation control signals which are used by current generation circuitry to generate stimulation current signals to be used by an electrode array having a plurality of electrodes forming a matrix. The intraocular components are powered from energy extracted from the transmitted visual signal. The electrode array is attached to the retina via tacks, magnets, or adhesive.La prothèse visuelle selon la présente invention comprend, dune part une caméra assurant la perception dune image visuelle et générant un signal de sortie visuel, dautre part une logique de stimulation du tissu rétinien conçue pour être fonctionnellement reliée à la rétine de lutilisateur, et enfin une logique de communication radio permettant démettre à la logique de stimulation du tissu rétinien à lintérieur de loeil le signal de sortie visuel. Pour produire ce signal de sortie visuel, la caméra prend une image visuelle et la convertit en impulsions qui sont échantillonnées de façon à sélectionner une image à un instant donné. Le signal dimage échantillonné subit alors un codage per