The present invention is related to a tissue filing material, a production method thereof and a composite containing the same. The method of the present invention comprises the following steps: providing a solution containing calcium and a phosphate solution mixing said solution containing calcium and said phosphate solution to obtain a mixture heating and stirring said mixture obtaining a sludge by filtering said mixture drying said sludge calcining said sludge after said drying grinding said sludge after saidcalcining to obtain saidtissue filing material. Said method is simple and practical for the industry. Moreover, the obtained tissue filing material is a pore-free ceramic material with smaller particle size. Therefore, said tissue filing material is favorable for interacting with bio-tissue.本發明關於一種組織填充材料、其製法及含其之複合物。本發明之方法包含以下步驟:提供一含鈣離子溶液及一磷酸鹽溶液;將前述含鈣離子溶液及前述磷酸鹽溶液混合為一混合液;加熱並攪拌前述混合液;過濾前述混合液以取得一沈澱物;乾燥前述沈澱物;使乾燥之前述沈澱物進行鍛燒後;及研磨經鍛燒之前述沈澱物,以取得前述組織填充材料。本發明之方法簡單且實用,而所製得的組織填充材料為無孔洞的陶瓷材料,並具有較小的粒徑,有助於與生物組織交互作用。