Afanasev Valerij Andreevich (RU),Афанасьев Валерий Андреевич (RU),Ostrikov Aleksandr Nikolaevich (RU),Остриков Александр Николаевич (RU),Kopylov Maksim Vasilevich (RU),Копылов Максим Васильевич (RU),B
FIELD: agriculture.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to agriculture, in particular to equipment for application of coatings on granules, and can be used in feed mill industry. Pelleting apparatus comprises two serially connected chambers: a chamber for applying the fat-vitamin supplements and a coating application chamber. Inclined perforated drum is installed in the chamber for application of the fat-vitamin supplements; the ribbon spiral is attached to the internal surface of the drum and located along the helical line. Lower part of the chamber for applying the fat-vitamin supplements is connected to a closed system for feeding the fat-vitamin supplements consisting of a filter, a vessel and a pump connected by pipelines. In the coating chamber there installed is an inclined screen performing oscillating reciprocating motion. Above the sieve there is a collector with spray nozzles arranged on it, under it there is a cone collector, from which flowing surpluses of the coating through the filter get into the reservoir. From the container by excess capacity is again injected into collector. Unloading hopper with drum sector dispenser is installed at the end of the coating chamber. Upper part of two chambers is interconnected with vacuum pump.EFFECT: use of the invention will make it possible to increase efficiency of process of liquid components saturation of porous structure of fodder granules.1 cl, 4 dwgИзобретение относится к сельскому хозяйству, в частности к оборудованию для нанесения покрытий на гранулы, и может быть использовано в комбикормовой промышленности. Дражировочный аппарат содержит две последовательно соединенные камеры: камеру для нанесения жировитаминных добавок и камеру для нанесения покрытия. В камере для нанесения жировитаминных добавок установлен с возможностью вращения наклонный перфорированный барабан, к внутренней поверхности которого прикреплена ленточная спираль, расположенная по винтовой линии. Нижняя часть камеры для нанесения жировитаминных