It includes: a method to prevent and deal with the collapse of Cologne, i.e. using an automatic device to provide a specific calibrated diet for the consumption of the bee community to be treated. The device shows a box type container containing at least one storage box, which can be sealed to the liquid, can be accessed from the outside through a nozzle, a solution spraying device or a solution in the suspension, 2. Method of providing solution or solution, i.e. micrometer drop outside the equipmentWith the programming of a control device, synchronously provide solutions or shelve abroad, determine the number of solutions or shelve provided, and send a warning signal in case of failure, The device is driven by a disc and powered by a solar panel outside the container. When the solution or suspension is dissolved, it contains pigments and nutrients mainly composed of milk powder, sugar and lower organic acids, antioxidants and preservatives in plant extracts, and therapeutic ingredients of bees,For example, essential oils of thyme and acido oxalicoQUE COMPRENDE: UN METODO PARA PREVENIR Y TRATAR EL PROBLEMA DE COLAPSO DE COLONIA, QUE CONSISTE EN EL USO DE UN DISPOSITIVO AUTOMATIZADO QUE SUMINISTRA UNA DIETA ESPECIFICA CALIBRADA PARA EL CONSUMO POR COLONIAS DE CRIA DE ABEJAS A TRATARSE. EL APARATO PRESENTA UN CONTENEDOR TIPO CAJA QUE ACOMODA EN SU INTERIOR AL MENOS UN DEPOSITO PARA SER HERMETICO A LIQUIDO, ACCESIBLE DESDE AFUERA A TRAVES DE UNA TOBERA, UN DISPOSITIVO DE ATOMIZACION DE UNA SOLUCION O SUSPENSION LIQUIDA CONTENIDA EN EL DEPOSITO, MEDIOS DE SUMINISTRAR DE LA SOLUCION O SUSPENSION ATOMATIZADA LIQUIDA EN GOTAS MICROMETRICAS FUERA DEL APARATO, Y UNA UNIDAD DE CONTROL PROGRAMADA PARA SINCRONIZAR EL SUMINISTRO DE LA SOLUCION O SUSPENSION HACIA EL EXTERIOR, PARA LA DETERMINACION DE LA CANTIDAD DE SOLUCION O SUSPENSION SUMINISTRADA Y PARA EMITIR SENALES DE ALARMA EN CASO DE MAL FUNCIONAMIENTO, EL APARATO SIENDO ACCIONADO POR CD CON LA ENERGIA SUMINISTRADA POR UN