A vision training device is provided, including a luminous module and an electrode module. The luminous module can emit light to guide the observers eye movement to relax the eye muscles for achieving the effect of visual training. Electrode module is used to contact the observer and send an electrical pulse signal, whereby electrical pulses to stimulate acupuncture points to help to improve eyesight.一種視力訓練設備,係具有發光模組以及電極模組。發光模組可發光以引導觀測者的眼球運動,進而鬆弛眼睛的肌肉群,以達視力訓練的效果。電極模組係用於接觸觀測者並發出電脈衝訊號,藉以電脈衝刺激觀測者身體特定有益於視力的穴位,而有助於視力的提升。11‧‧‧設備本體111‧‧‧輸入模組113‧‧‧發光模組114‧‧‧電極模組1141‧‧‧太陽穴電極1142‧‧‧風池穴電極1143‧‧‧耳垂眼穴電極12‧‧‧觀測窗121‧‧‧透光鏡