The invention relates to an OCT examination device for recording an object bymeans ofoptical coherence tomography, comprising an OCT radiation source which emitsOCTradiation, an OCT beam path, comprising an OCT output direction of the OCTradiationfrom the radiation source and an OCT input direction of OCT radiationscattered back byan image object, a housing which contains the OCT radiation source, an exitopeningformed in the housing for the OCT radiation of the OCT radiation source, anOCT exitdirection of the radiation through the exit opening, a control unit which isconnected interms of signal technology to the OCT radiation source OCT radiation and isconfigured inorder to record a multiplicity of measurement profiles mutually separated in arecordingperiod and, within the recording period, to drive the OCT radiation source inorder to emitthe OCT radiation and the OCT radiation receiver in order to receive thebackscatteredOCT radiation, and in order to keep the OCT output direction and the OCT exitdirectionconstant with respect to one another in their angular orientation during therecordingperiod.