Brain waves are electrical oscillations that occur when nerve cells in the human brain move. Because this swing appears on scientific instruments, it looks like waves, called brain waves. It is the bioenergy produced by brain cells or the rhythm of brain cell activity. Every second, no matter what you do, when you sleep, your brain will occasionally produce "brains" like "current pulses." Brain wave frequency can be divided into four categories: beta wave (sensing consciousness), alpha wave (bridge consciousness), θ wave (subconscious) and delta wave (unconscious). The combination of these consciousnesses forms a person's internal and external behavior, emotions and learning performance.腦波是指人腦內的神經細胞活動時所產生的電氣性擺動。因這種擺動呈現在科學儀器上,看起來就像波動一樣,稱為腦波。它是由腦細胞所產生的生物能源,或者是腦細胞活動的節奏。人類每一秒,不論在做什麼,睡覺時,大腦都會不時產生像「電流脈衝」一樣的「腦波」。腦波依頻率可分為四大類:β波(顯意識)、α波(橋樑意識)、θ波(潛意識)及δ波(無意識)。這些意識的組合,形成了一個人的內外在的行為、情緒及學習上的表現。