Disclosed is a process of preparing fish-scale collagen peptides, which includes the following steps: dehydrating the fish scales, mixing the fish scales with an aqueous solution that is at pH between 3~9, degreasing the fat from the fish scales by adding lipase and in the meantime removing impurities in the water, heating and pressuring the fish scales to release collagen by setting temperature between 80~250 degree and pressure in a range from 0.8 to 1.5 kg/cm2, conducting a hydrolysis step by adding proteases to generate collagen peptides from collagen, and then isolating the collagen peptides from the fish scales.一種魚鱗膠原蛋白胜肽的製備方法,包含有如下步驟:脫水步驟:將魚鱗脫水;混液步驟:將魚鱗放入一水溶液,且水溶液pH值為3~9;去脂步驟:加入脂酶(Lipase),使移除包覆魚鱗的脂肪,且在脂肪分解的同時附著雜質也一併脫落溶於水中;加熱加壓步驟:提供高溫高壓,例如溫度設定為80~250℃,壓力設定為0.8~1.5kg/cm2,使魚鱗釋出膠原蛋白;水解步驟:加入蛋白質水解酶使膠原蛋白水解產生膠原蛋白胜肽;分離步驟:分離取出膠原蛋白胜肽。