In one exemplary aspect, the present disclosure is directed to an assembly having an irrigation hand piece that includes an irrigation needle extending from a distal end. The irrigation needle is also configured to release a first fluid. The assembly further has an aspiration hand piece that includes an aspiration needle extending from a distal end. The aspiration needle has an axis and is configured to aspirate a second fluid into the assembly. The assembly has a first configuration in which the irrigation hand piece and aspiration hand piece are coupled together in a manner that causes the released first fluid from the assembly to flow coaxially about the axis of the aspiration needle and a second configuration in which the irrigation hand piece and aspiration hand piece are uncoupled which causes the released first fluid to flow substantially non-coaxial with respect to the axis of the aspiration needle.Kombinovani koaksijalni i bimanuelni irigacioni/aspiracioni sklop (100) za korišćenje u hirurškoj proceduri obuhvata: irigacioni instrument (102) koji ima irigacionu iglu (114), koja se pruža od daljeg završetka (112) irigacionog instrumenta, gde je irigaciona igla oblikovana tako da ispušta irigacioni fluid iz sklopa; aspiracioni instrument (104) koji ima aspiracionu iglu (128) koja se pruža od daljeg završetka (126) aspiracionog instrumenta i aspiraciona igla ima osu i oblikovana je da usisava fluid u sklop, naznačen time, što sklop (100) zatim obuhvata: čauru 106, pri čemu čaura spaja irigacioni instrument (102) i aspiracioni instrument (104) u jednu celinu kada je sklop u prvom obliku, gde čaura ima unutrašnji kanal (142) i dalji završeci (112, 126) aspiracionog i irigacionog instrumenta su oblikovani tako da se pružaju u kanal da bi se spojili dalji završeci aspiracionog i irigacionog instrumenta sa čaurom; pri čemu sklop ima prvi oblik u kome su irigacioni instrument (102) i aspiracioni instrument (104) povezani u jednu celinu tako da se aspiraciona igla (12