1. A nanoparticle comprising a block copolymer and optionally one or more active substances, which: (i) the block copolymer comprises blocks A and D (ii) block A consists of a first polymer comprising monomer units B and C, while B is an aliphatic unit dicarboxylic acid, wherein the total number of carbon atoms ≤30, and C is a link or dihydroxyl diaminomonomerom (iii) block D is composed of a second polymer comprising a hydrocarbon chain containing ester or ether linkages, with a hydroxyl number ≥10.2. A nanoparticle according to claim 1, wherein the block A has the formula - [(BC) -B] -, where n is a numerical index of at least one independently selected for each block A.3. A nanoparticle according to claim 1, wherein the monomer unit C is an aliphatic straight chain diol comprising 4-10 atoms ugleroda.4. A nanoparticle according to claim 1, wherein the monomer unit C is 1,8-oktandiolom.5. A nanoparticle according to claim 1, wherein the monomer unit B comprises 4-10 ugleroda.6 atoms. A nanoparticle according to claim 5, wherein the monomer unit B comprises 5-10 ugleroda.7 atoms. A nanoparticle according to claim 1, wherein the polymer D is selected from the group consisting of polyethylene glycols, polyamidoamines, polyamines, polyols and kombinatsiy.8. A nanoparticle according to claim 1, which comprises at least one active veschestvo.9. A nanoparticle according to claim 1, wherein the at least one active substance had logP value from -1.0 to +5,6.10. A nanoparticle according to claim 1, wherein the at least one active substance selected from the group consisting of docetaxel and paklitaksel.11. A nanoparticle according to claim 1, which comprises one or more binding agents suitable for covalent attachment to said nanoparticle1. Наночастица, включающая блоксополимер и необязательно одно или несколько активных веществ, в которой:(i) блоксополимер включает блоки А и D(ii) блок А состоит из первого полимера, включающего мономерные звенья В и С, при этом звено В явля