The Structure includes a First Plurality of Tubes (1) and a Second Plurality of Tubes (2) of smaller DIAMETER. The tubes of the first Plurality of Tubes (1) with an alignment of pairs of Struts (3, 4) that emerge oblique Upward on its Periphery.The Upper portion of each Strut (3) (4) (5) comprises a First Clamping portion adapted to the Periphery of the tube (2) of a Second Plurality of pipes (2) and is complemented by a Second independent portion (6) of Mooring (6) connected to a removable for maintenance United both pluralities, First (1) and second (2), tubes<;p>;ESTRUCTURA FLOTANTE PARA CULTIVOS MARINOS QUE COMPRENDE A) UNA PRIMERA Y SEGUNDA PLURALIDAD DE TUBOS HUECOS; Y B) UN PAR DE RIOSTRAS QUE COMPRENDE I) UNA PORCION DE FIJACION O CONEXION UNIDA A SU EXTREMO LIBRE, TRANSVERSALMENTE ORIENTADA AL EJE LONGITUDINAL DEL TUBO DE LA PRIMERA PLURALIDAD DE TUBOS Y II) UNA CONCAVIDAD QUE AJUSTA LA PORCION INFERIOR DEL TUBO DE LA SEGUNDA PLURALIDAD DE TUBOS.<;/p>;