the present invention is the use of a new technique for a large scale procuction olive plants. this technique is based on the use of an in vitro multiplication intensive in its first phase.the tests conducted on the tunisian olive varieties, the use of this technique suggest broad areas of application in the is, in a first stage, to stimulate in vitro in a nutrient medium, under sterile conditions, the growth of axillary borgeons naturally occurring in leaf axils and are preleves do livier was identified on the trees.leafy shoots, which are regenerees fragments are debit\u00e9es in uninoldaux and returned to culture media for several cycles of multiplication in order to obtain a large number of in vitro shoots. in a second phase, these are rooted ex vitro and transferred to the final phase of the ombri\u00e9re multiplication process the acclimation.ex vitro rooting, adopted for the first time in this species, an invention, has led to the creation of high enracienement rate ranging from 90 to 100% for most of the varieties tested, including oueslati varieties and the percentage of enraci chemchali the ex vitro environment.we not only avoid certain prolb\u00e8les involved in vitro plants of the passage in vitro culture with acclimation, but also realize the two phases (ernracinement and acclimatization) at the same time, resulting in lower cost of tree seed and better qual ity.meski varieties such as degree and oueslati and world ch\u00e9toui, chelmalai and chemchali, is multiplied by the rate of buds and roots axilaires vitro shoots from which they are derived.quite satisfactory, suggesting that the adoption of this technology for the mass propagation of all commercial varieties of olive and other fruit présente invention a pour objectif lutilisation dune nouvelle technique pour la procuction a une grande echelle de plants dolivier. Cette technique est basée sur le recours a une multiplication intensive in vitro dans sa première phase. Les essais e