Ураков Александр Ливиевич,Уракова Наталья Александровна,Решетников Алексей Петрович,Аболмасов Николай Николаевич,Пожилова Елена Васильевна,Новиков Василий Егорович,Липанов Алексей Матвеевич,Забокрицки
1. Artificial bolus spherical shape of the elastic substrate with a taste of the food product and a filler, characterized in that it is configured for nondestructive during chewing, is a cylinder of 1 cm diameter with hemispheres at the ends of a length of 4 cm, one of which is attached with woven thread clamp at the other end, providing attachment to the patients clothing during chewing, elastic substrate is porous neoprene with a porosity of less than 30%, the filler is vozduh.2. The method of its use for rapid assessment of patients adaptation to a dental structure with regard to its quality, assessment of the status of dentition, local administration in the mouth with the fixation time of administration, the selection of paired symmetry points, repeated measurements are controlled parameter, processing the obtained values to determine their dynamics and tissue condition evaluation with the report on the possibility of damage from excessive values, characterized in that the heat radiation control, measurement wasp estvlyayut with a thermal imager, preheated two artificial food bolus to + 37 ° C, strapped thread clamp the first bolus to the patients clothing, asking him to put a lump in the mouth and chewed for 30 seconds, sequentially moving the clump around the dentition and then tested dynamics radiant oral tissues, while in the absence of hyperthermia or pressure-symmetrical and uniform increase in temperature in the oral cavity tissues of the patients adaptation to the chewing evaluated as high and predict its high resistance to dental Konstr1. Искусственный пищевой комок сферической формы из эластичной основы со вкусом пищевого продукта и наполнителя, отличающийся тем, что он выполнен неразрушающимся при жевании, представляет собой цилиндр диаметром 1 см с полусферами на торцах длиной 4 см, к одному из них прикреплена плетеная нить с зажимом на другом конце, обеспечивающая прикрепление к одежде пациента во время жевания, эластичной основой является пористы