The invention relates to a process for preparing a biostimulant for plants based on synergized oligosaccharins. According to the invention, the process consists of the stages of wet grinding of spent lignocellulosic mushroom substrate, mixing it with phosphate buffer, adjusting pH to a value of 6...6.2, bringing it at a temperature of 30°C, adding non-ionic amphiphilic surfactant, while stirring for 15 min at the temperature of 30°C to facilitate hydrophobin extraction, treating with a mixture of lytic enzymes and incubation for 24 h at the temperature of 45°C for oligosaccharin and bio-active peptide release, separating, by centrifugation, the un-extracted substrate from the aqueous extract, concentrating the supernatant and drying by atomization, to result in a bio-product having a content of minimum 10% oligosaccharins and 5% peptides, 0.5% surfactants, hydrophobins included.Invenţia se referă la un procedeu de obţinere a unui biostimulant pentru plante, pe bază de oligozaharine sinergizate. Procedeul, conform invenţiei, constă în etapele de măcinare umedă a substratului epuizat de ciuperci lignocelulozice, amestecarea cu tampon fosfat, ajustareaH la valoarea de 6...6,2, aducerea la temperatura de 30°C, adăugarea de surfactant amfifil neionic, cu agitare timp de 15 min la temperatura de 30°C pentru a facilita extracţia de hidrofobine, tratarea cu un amestec de enzime litice şi incubarea timp de 24 h la temperatura de 45°C pentru eliberarea de oligozaharine şi peptide bioactive, separarea prin centrifugare a substratului ne-extras de extractul apos, concentrarea supernatantului şi uscarea prin pulverizare, rezultând un bioprodus având un conţinut de minimum 10% oligozaharine, respectiv 5% peptide, 0,5% surfactanţi, inclusiv hidrofobine.