The primary objective of the present invention is to provide an endoscope device with path detecting function, which corrects the problem that the images captured by the endoscope being rotated on a display caused by rotation of the endoscope tube when checking an enclosed space with the endoscope device. By this means, the present invention avoids users misunderstanding the inside circumstance when the endoscope tube rotates or pivots during entering the enclosed space. Moreover, the endoscope device applies 3D logic calculating function to construct a path by referring the endoscope tube length released and the rotating and pivoting angles of a capturing unit on the endoscope tube, such that enables users to quickly get a thorough view of the path when using the endoscope device inside an unknown enclosed space.本發明係揭露一種具路徑探測功能之內視鏡裝置,其可於該內視鏡檢視一封閉空間之過程中修正因為內視管旋轉而導致顯示影像旋轉之問題,避免使用者因為內視管行進間產生的拍攝角度改變而對內部情況造成誤判,且藉由放線之長度及偏擺、旋轉角度之變化,配合以三維空間之軟體模擬計算,進一步作概略性地試算並建構出該內視管所行進之整體路徑,以助使用者於一未知空間架構下使用本發明做檢視時,更快速地掌握整體的空間結構關係。