A kind of automatic control device of greenhouse,Comprising scavenger fan,Drawing fan,Water sprinkler,Fetch water component,Light bulb,Temperature inductor,Humidity sensor and a controller,The temperature inductor and humidity sensor to detect the indoor temperature of temperature and humidity,When the indoor temperature or humidity of temperature is abnormal,The controller drive automatically scavenger fan,Drawing fan,It fetches water component or light bulb,With reinforce the indoor cross-ventilation of temperature,Self-watering with improve humidity or light light bulb with improve temperature and evaporation aqueous vapor,It allows and allowed temperature range set by the indoor temperature of temperature and back down to controller and allows humidity range.一種溫室環境的自動控制裝置,包含排氣風扇、吸氣風扇、灑水器、打水組件、燈泡、溫度感應器、溼度感應器與一控制器,該溫度感應器與溼度感應器用以檢測溫室內的溫度與溼度,當溫室內的溫度或溼度異常,該控制器自動驅動排氣風扇、吸氣風扇、打水組件或燈泡,以加強溫室內的空氣對流、自動灑水以提高溼度或點亮燈泡以提高溫度及蒸發水氣,讓溫室內的溫度與溼度回復至控制器所設定的容許溫度範圍與容許溼度範圍。