Pharmacological components include IOTA and/or Kappa Carragenina and a neurosuppressor selected from Zanamivir, Oseltamivir, Peramivir and Laninavir; used alone or in combination with nephrovirus, coronavirus or Paramixivivivivir in the treatment of influenza virus infections.
T. lt; P gt; composici amp; oacute; n Pharma amp; eacute; Utica, including iota and / or kappa carroagina and amp; nbsp; a neurosensitive inhibitor selected between zanamivir, oseltamivir, peramivir and laninavivir; for the treatment of an infectious and mixed epidemic virus; oacute; N and rinovirus, coronavirus and paramilt virus; /P GT;<;p>;Composició;n farmacé;utica que comprende iota y/o kappa carragenina y ; un inhibidor de neuraminidasa seleccionado entre zanamivir, oseltamivir, peramivir y laninamivir; uso para tratar una infecció;n por virus influenza solo o en combinació;n con rinovirus, coronavirus o paramixovirus.<;/p>;