Metformin Glycinate Salt for Blood Glucose Control In this invention, a new salt and 1,1-dimethylbiguanide glycinate has been synthesized, called metformin glycinate. This salt exhibits advantages over other metformin salts. These advantages are primarily due to the fact that the glycine counterion exhibits hypoglycemic effects on its own. In addition, this salt exhibits faster absorption, reaching higher plasma concentrations than those produced with metformin hydrochloride. the synthesis was synthesized from the metformin hydrochloride salt, where free metformin was produced by releasing the hydrochloride counterion using an ion exchange column for this purpose; the released metformin base was dissolved in an aqueous medium and subsequently glycine was added at room temperature under constant stirring; subsequently the resulting product is heated until a concentrated solution is produced, an organic solvent is added which does not react with the present components and the glycine being insoluble in order to create insolubility in the medium and favor crystallization of the saturated medium. ; all for the purpose of precipitating excess glycine and then separating it by filtration; whereby the filtrate was concentrated again until precipitation of the metformin glycinate salt was reached.sal de glicinato de metformina para o controle de glicose sanguínea nesta invenção, um novo sal e 1, 1-dimetilbiguanida glicinato foi, chamado de glicinato de metformina. este sal exibe vantagens sobre os outros sais de metformina. estas vantagens são, em primeiro lugar, devidas ao fato de que o contra-íon de glicina exibe efeitos hipoglicêmicos por si próprio. além disso, este sal exibe absorção mais rápida, alcançando concentrações de plasma mais altas que aquelas produzidas com hidrocloreto de metformina. a síntese foi sintetizada a partir de sal de hidrocloreto de metform ina, onde a metformina livre foi produzida através da liberação do contra-íon do hidrocloreto,